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Ben Farinazzo, Australia Day Ambassador speaking with Aboriginal Elder following the smoking ceremony.


Ben serves as an Australia Day ambassador and supports national charities and strategic mental health and wellbeing initiatives to improve the lives of Australians.

Driven by personal experience of the diverse struggles Australians face, Ben is a dedicated ambassador and speaker with several national charities and a strong advocate for mental health and wellbeing, especially in the veteran community.


As an inspirational speaker, Ben doesn't just give a speech; he initiates impactful conversations that ripple throughout communities. His messages deeply resonate with schools, corporate groups, and wide audiences, leaving indelible impressions long after the applause ends. Beyond mere speeches, he ignites essential conversations, promoting resilience, empathy, mutual support, and positive change throughout Australia.

Explore some of the wonderful charities that Ben supports below.

Lifeline Canberra bridestride event
Lifeline Australia saving lives logo.


Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

Soldier On Australia March On 2023
Soldier On Australia Logo

Soldier On

Soldier on Australia delivers life-changing support services, programs and activities, to serving and ex-serving Defence personnel and their families across Australia.

Ben after completing his first Beyond Blue talk
Beyond Blue Logo

Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue promotes mental health and wellbeing, provides advice and support, and works to prevent suicide in order to help all Australians achieve their best possible mental health.

Kookaburra Kids at Floriade
Kookaburra Kids Logo

Kookaburra Kids

Kookaburra Kids delivers services to young people impacted by family mental illness with the aim of empowering them to build resilience, lifelong knowledge and abilities so they can reach their potential.

Invictus Australia at Parliament House
Invictus Australia logo

Invictus Australia

Invictus Australia strengthens the physical and mental wellbeing of veterans and their families through the power of and recreation via grassroots sports sport and international events.

Ben Farinazzo sitting in chair contemplating as part of veterans photo exhibition

We call Australia
the 'lucky country'

A large crowd gathering in public
A large crowd gathering in public

But there are still many Australians struggling, doing it tough, and facing silent battles every day

It's hard to believe that half our population will struggle with their mental health during their lifetime.

Suicide is a national crisis.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

9 people

Are lost to suicide everyday

2 weeks

A veteran succumbs to their inner battles

Indigenous community are twice as likely to die by suicide

Sadly, suicide is the main cause of death of young people

Behind every death is unbearable pain, grief and suffering

We have come a long way but there is still 

so much more that needs to be done

to improve the lives of Australians.

Helping to improve the lives of Australians.

Ben is proud to support selected charities, not-for-profit organisations and corporate partners to help improve the lives of Australians.

(Click on an icon to learn more)

Soldier On Australia logo
Defence Kidz logo
Australian War Memorial logo
National Australia Day logo
Australian Government: National Suicide Prevention Office logo
Australian of the Year Awards logo
Lifeline Canberra logo
Invictus Australia: Unconquered Together logo
Beyond Blue Australia logo
Open Arms: Veterans and Families Counselling logo
Australian Kookaburra Kids Foundation logo
Lifeline Australia: Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention logo
Rowing Australia logo
Remount: Horsemanship logo
UNSW Canberra: University of New South Wales logo

Special thanks:

MJ Bale: Clothing logo
Matrix Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic logo

Need help now?

If you, or someone you care for, is in need of assistance please contact your doctor or one of the organisations below:




13 11 14

Beyond Blue

1300 22 4636

Open Arms

1800 011 046

Ben Farinazzo Laurel Wreath a symbol of victory representing triumph.
Ben Farinazzo Laurel Wreath a symbol of victory representing triumph.
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